Thanks to our staff member, Mastermind_JK for coming up with these cheats.
Remember these are Gameshark Cheats for the ORIGINAL Link's Awakening.
Level Keys:
1: 111111DB
3: 111115DB
4: 111112DB
5: 111114DB
7: 111113DB
This cheat shows the key on the menu but
you can't use the key so I wouldn't use this,
but I do know how to get the key so you can use it.
No Money: 010E91DB
1: 010201DB
2: 010202DB
3: 010203DB
4: 010204DB
5: 010205DB
6: 010206DB
7: 010207DB
8: 010208DB
Color Change:
YY= 97: Background
98: Characters
XX= 00: All white
FF: All black
Number of Seashells:
XX=Number of
Have any more gameshark codes for this game? Send them to Linkster!